Godly Play

Godly Play (preschool age and up)

At a time when we feel we need to meet children in their high-tech world, Godly Play presents the stories of the Bible in a very simple, natural form. Instead of children being told who God is, in Godly Play children discover who God is. Using the principles of learning in the Montessori method, teachers respond to the child’s request to “help me do it by myself.” Godly Play puts the teacher in the role of guide or spiritual supporter who fully understands that each child already has his or her own relationship with God.

In Godly Play, Bible stories are told using simple hands-on figures, made of natural and beautifully designed materials. The practice of a Godly Play session follows a particular format.

  • Get ready
  • Tell a story with open-ended questions and discussion
  • Respond to the story with a free choice time using a variety of materials, including writing, play, and art
  • An opportunity to share a simple snack
  • Clean up

Through Godly Play we learn that children don’t need a lot of bells and whistles to make a connection to God’s truths. They need simplicity and relationships!

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the Parish Hall.