Feb 04, 2024 |
Called to Bring Healing
| The Rev. Laurel CooteCalled to Bring Healing
The 5th Sunday After the Epiphany
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
Bare the Healing Presence of Christ
An Urgent Call To Heal
Gospel: Mark 1:29-39
An Urgent Call To Heal
Jan 07, 2024 |
Seeking The Glory of God
| The Rev. Laurel CooteSeeking The Glory of God
First Sunday after the Epiphany
Gospel: Mark 1:4-11
When was the last time something caught you by surprise, or left you in awe?
Gospel: Mark 1:4-11
When was the last time something caught you by surprise, or left you in awe?
Dec 10, 2023 |
Called to Spread God's Comfort
| Rebecca Miller (2025)Called to Spread God's Comfort
View PDF - The 2nd Sunday in Advent
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
Some of us are called to comfort, and some of us will receive, and these roles are exchanged many times. No matter where we are in this story, God’s great power is revealed in his great comfort: past, present, and future. We can place our hope in that until at last the weary world rejoices!
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
Some of us are called to comfort, and some of us will receive, and these roles are exchanged many times. No matter where we are in this story, God’s great power is revealed in his great comfort: past, present, and future. We can place our hope in that until at last the weary world rejoices!
Nov 26, 2023 |
Seek God's Goodness in All
| The Rev. Laurel CooteSeek God's Goodness in All
View PDF - Reign of Christ Sunday
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Breathe in the Spirit that delights in you, so you can breathe it out into the world and make God’s dream of belonging, peace and love come true. When we own and acknowledge our goodness, we enter the quiet immensity of our own presence and discover that we are, in fact, a divine presence. God is not outside, but is the breath within our breath.
Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46
Breathe in the Spirit that delights in you, so you can breathe it out into the world and make God’s dream of belonging, peace and love come true. When we own and acknowledge our goodness, we enter the quiet immensity of our own presence and discover that we are, in fact, a divine presence. God is not outside, but is the breath within our breath.
Nov 12, 2023 |
Holy Anticipation
| The Rev. Laurel CooteHoly Anticipation
View PDF - Jesus calls us to prepare and to anticipate his return, but not to forget that Christ is with us right now!
Anticipation. Preparation. These are words we in the church generally associate with the season of Advent as we ready ourselves for the birth of the Christ child. Yet here, tucked inside of the parable of the 10 bridesmaids Jesus is calling us: to prepare, to be ready, to open our minds, hearts and souls now to Christ’s inbreaking. We’ve got to prepare, because we never know when that moment will come, and we won’t want to be late.
Reading: Matthew 25:1-13
Anticipation. Preparation. These are words we in the church generally associate with the season of Advent as we ready ourselves for the birth of the Christ child. Yet here, tucked inside of the parable of the 10 bridesmaids Jesus is calling us: to prepare, to be ready, to open our minds, hearts and souls now to Christ’s inbreaking. We’ve got to prepare, because we never know when that moment will come, and we won’t want to be late.
Reading: Matthew 25:1-13
Nov 05, 2023 |
Bless to be Blessed
| The Rev. Laurel CooteBless to be Blessed
View PDF - Collect of the Day:
Almighty and merciful God, it is only by your gift that your faithful people offer you true and laudable service: Grant that we may run without stumbling to obtain your heavenly promises; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Matthew 5:1-12.
Matthew 5:1-12.
Oct 22, 2023 |
Giving With Generosity
| The Rev. Laurel CooteGiving With Generosity
View PDF - Giving to God, what is God's
The 21st Sunday After Pentecost
The 21st Sunday After Pentecost
- Matthew 22:15-22
- Psalm 99